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Welcome to our Ministries page! Below you will find a brief description of each of our current Worship Exposure Ministries and outreach programs. 

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G.E. (Generation Exposed)

Our Youth is A Generation Exposed to God so that they may to Expose other Generations in this world to God.

Millennium Women (ALL ages welcome)

The definition of millennium is a period of a thousand years. We are a gathering of timeless women who A.I.M. to eliminate limits in their lives.


Men of Standard (formerly Trinity Men Unleashed)

To unleash the full, unstoppable potential lying dormant in every man through effective leadership, fellowship, and love empowering him to live the life God intended.

Inspire Production: Technology & Arts Ministry

Our AIM is to show forth the ministry through the inspired lenses of creativity, gifting, innovation, strategic audio and visual casting.


~Inspired to Inspire~

Microphone Sound Editing

A.I.M. Harvest Initiatives

Luke 10:2 New King James Version (NKJV) states, "Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.


  • A.I.M SCI-Senior Citizen Initiative

  • G.E. SCI-Senior Citizen Initiative

  • A.I.M CCI-City Counsel Initiative

  • G.E. CCI-City Counsel Initiative

  • A.I.M. SBI-School Board Initiative

  • G.E. SBI-School Board Initiative

  • A.I.M ASPAI- Academic Sports Performance Arts Initiative

  • G.E. ASPAI- Academic Sports Performance Arts Initiative

  • A.I.M AATI- Arts and Technology Initiative

  • G.E. AATI- Arts and Technology Initiative

Reach Ministry

We are the 12:

  • Righteous Love - A display of the love of God at all times

  • Righteous Living - A life of righteousness lived out loud (LOL)

  • Righteous Service - A willingness to serve others in harvest

  • Righteous Influence - A release of our operation in God’s way of thinking, God’s way of doing and God's being to positively effect other's character

Harvest Work
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